Haley Fengya News

  • MG
    Mar 12, 2025 · Haley Fengya

    Slicer Performing Arts to present Mean Girls

    *Photo Credit Lindsey Cooper

    The LPHS Performing Arts will present Mean Girls: The Musical based on the 2004 film of the same name in the LPHS auditorium on March 14 and 15.

    According to Wikipedia, Mean Girls is a rock musical about Cady Heron, a high school student, who transferred to a public school after being homeschooled in Africa all her life. The musical displays the struggles of a social hierarchy and the choice of popularity or loyalty.

    The cast and crew have been rehearsing for the musical since January. 

    The play will be funny and comical but also display some real-world issues that kids deal with now.

    “People should see this show because of the incredibly talented people in the cast!  It also has a great message that is very topical today,” director and LPHS teacher Timothy Hanson said.

    There will be four showings of the musical: a preview on March 13 at 6 p.m., opening night on March 14 at 6 p.m., and the final shows will be on March 15 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.1Tickets will be $10 at the door. 

    For any further questions, email thanson@lpcsc.k12.in.us or shanson@lpcsc.k12.in.us.

    The cast for Mean Girls is:

    1. Damian - Nick Oss 2. Janis - Ellie Hopper 3. Cady Heron - Cami Ruiz 4. Regina George - Molly Cooper 5. Gretchen - Layna Hannon 6. Karen - Halyn Pumroy 7. Aaron Samuels - Andy Hayes 8. Kevin G. - Keith Berrier 9. Ms. Norbury - Emily Hunt 10. Mrs. George - Kairah Ohime 11. Mr. Duvall, Martin J. - Christian McGuire 12. Mrs. Heron - Hannah Delaney 13. Mr. Heron, Tyler K. - Felix Goff 14. Sonja Acquino - Elise Eldridge 15. Taylor Wedell - Nev Nelson 16.  Rachel Hamilton - Karsyn Klein 17.  Mr. Buck, Jason W., Glenn C.,  Marymount 3 - Orion McNew 18.  Mathlete Moderator - Alora Moss 19.  Dawn Schweitzer - Anaya Cunningham 20.  French Teacher, Caroline K. - Kirstyn Mosier 21.  Coach Carr, Christian, Marymount 2 - Damion McCrudden 22.  Teary Girl  - Bailey Emerick

  • game
    Mar 10, 2025 · Haley Fengya

    Staff vs student game

    The LPHS Student Council will host a Staff vs. Senior basketball game in the main gym to raise money for Riley Children's Hospital on March 11 at 7 p.m.

    The Student Council has been holding the fundrasier game for years. LPHS continues to bring back the event because both the students and staff enjoy it, and it helps raise money for a good cause--Riley Children’s Hospital.

    The fee to watch the game will be $3 in cash at the front door. For each ticket bought, a dollar of it will go to Riley Children’s Hospital. The rest will go toward the LPHS Student Council for future events.

    Student Council will also be selling bracelets and temporary tattoos. The tattoos will be two for $1 and the bracelets will be one for $1. All of the proceeds earned from these will also go toward the Riley Children’s Hospital. Concessions will also be available during the game.

    For any further questions, email Lowry at: alowry@lpcsc.k12.in.us

  • heart
    Mar 4, 2025 · Haley Fengya

    Play For Jake heart screenings

    The Play for Jake Foundation is offering free preventative heart screenings for high school students in the small gym at LPHS on March 20 and 21.

    The heart screenings would not be possible without the Play for Jake and Zac Mago Foundation. 1The Play For Jake and Zac Mago Foundation travel to different areas to educate and spread awareness about how to protect teenage hearts and the dangers of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). They also hold events to raise funds for AEDs and heart screenings. 

    During the screenings, each student will receive a weight and height measurement, blood pressure reading, electrocardiogram (ECG), and an echocardiogram (ECHO). 

    By receiving a heart screening, students may be able to treat any heart conditions that they might have without even showing any symptoms.

    “I feel parents should register their child for a heart screening because it’s so important that they know the condition of their child’s heart. With Jake having no signs or symptoms of anything being wrong with his heart and passing every school and sports physical gave me a false sense of security,” founder of the Play for Jake Foundation Julie West said.

    Julie West’s son, Jake West, was a student at LPHS. Before passing, he was involved in many sports and school activities. Jake passed away during a football practice after going into cardiac arrest. He had a deadly underlying heart condition, but no one knew because there were no signs. 

    Any students under the age of 18 must have parental permission and signatures to register for a heart screening.

    To register for a heart screening, use the link below:

  • pathway
    Feb 18, 2025 · Haley Fengya

    Culinary pathway proves to be student favorite

    While there are many pathways offered at LPHS, one of the most popular ones offered is Culinary Arts. 

    This pathway is directed toward students who wish to develop skills both in or out of the culinary industry such as sanitation, nutrition, and other essential life and career skills. The Culinary pathway consists of three classes: Principles of Culinary and Hospitality, Nutrition, and Culinary Arts. 

    The first class in the Culinary pathway is Principles of Culinary and Hospitality. This pathway is designed to help students develop an understanding of the hospitality industry and the career opportunities that follow. They will also learn the basic fundamentals of food preparation such as sanitation, service procedures, and safety practices with equipment that are used in the food sevice industry. Students will have 20 food labs and a few projects on fruits, vegetables, herbs and seasonings, and dairy where there are no labs that go with them. They will also complete projects that involve learning about the Culinary/Hospitality industry where students can learn more about different careers in the industry.

    The second class in the pathway is Nutrition. This class will teach students the characteristics, functions, and food sources of the major nutrient groups and how to maximize nutrient retention in food preparation and storage. This course will engage students in hands-on learning of nutritional concepts such as preparing nutrient-dense meals or examining nutritional needs of student-athletes. In Nutrition, students will make a nutrients, digestion, vitamins, and minerals board game and MyPlate.

    The last course in this pathway is Culinary Arts. This pathway will teach students how to prepare the four major stocks, the five mother sauces (in addition to smaller sauces), and various soups. They will also learn classical cooking techniques and the fundamentals of baking science. These fundamentals are terminology, ingredients, weight and measures, and the proper use and care of equipment. 

    The Culinary pathway will help students develop skills that will be extremely useful in the future whether they choose to go into food service after high school or not. 

    “Students will explore career opportunities in the food service industry, gain knowledge about nutrition and healthy eating, participate in hands-on projects, and build teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership skills. This pathway is perfect for students who love working with food, enjoy hands-on learning, and want to explore careers in the culinary and hospitality industries,” Principle of Culinary Arts and Nutrition teacher Emily Upp said.

    For more information about this pathway visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tzzP0GV95fUZAIDWxfsvLX8aHGirYjlddMJNBDUfetE/edit?tab=t.0

  • HSP
    Jan 27, 2025 · Haley Fengya

    Human services pathway

    LPHS now offers a new Human Services pathway that started this school year.

    These new courses replaced the Fashion Textiles and Design Pathway. This group of courses is directed towards students who are planning on pursuing a career in family and human needs but is available for all students. The Human Services pathway will consist of three classes: Principles of Human Sciences (HS), Understanding Diversity, and Relationships & Emotions. 

    “Students should take this course if they are interested in working with the public after graduation,” teacher Lindsey Pritchard said. 

    In the Principles of HS course, students will learn about the different jobs that relate to the pathway. Some of these are Consumer Services, Counseling and Mental Health, Early Childhood Development, Family and Community Services, Personal Care Services, Food and Nutrition, Fashion, and Home Interiors.  

    In Cultural Diversity, students will learn to gain appreciation and understanding of the people around them who come from different backgrounds and ethnic groups.

    Relationships & Emotions teaches students how to correctly navigate relationships on an emotional level through all stages of life.1In this pathway, students create several projects, including vacation budgeting, reading body language, conflict management, and mentorship. 

    Students in the pathway are enjoying all that is to offer.

    “The pathway has taught me a lot about the different jobs in human services. It also taught me things that affect people's emotions and thinking. It’s made me more aware of how I talk to people and react to things,” sophomore Amanda Garcia said.

    For more information, visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tzzP0GV95fUZAIDWxfsvLX8aHGirYjlddMJNBDUfetE/edit?tab=t.0

  • tot
    Dec 12, 2024 · Haley Fengya

    Trick or Treat at LPHS

    The LPHS Athletic Council raised $3,100 for Special Olympics in Indiana after it held its annual Trick or Treat on October 24.

    After years of holding this event, the athletic department has continued to make the event bigger and better each year. To date, they have raised tens of thousands of dollars for Special Olympics.

    “The event went very well. The Student Athletic Council was able to raise $3100 for Special Olympics Indiana. The turnout was fantastic and the clubs and athletic teams all did an outstanding job with their activities and interacting with the kids,” athletic director Steve Santana said.

    The Special Olympics has been giving students with disabilities the chance to participate in sporting events for decades. According to its website, Special Olympics uses sport as a catalyst for social change, exposing inequity and highlighting the abilities of people with intellectual disabilities to break down misperceptions and negative attitudes.

    During the trick or treat, many clubs and sports teams gave out candy and entertained the kids who attended with activities. The hallways and gyms were lined with endless opportunities for local kids to fill their candy bags to the brim. 

    The event was planned and organized by 14 students from the Student Athletic Council, which has representatives from different Slicer athletic teams. The Student Athletic Council meets throughout the year and also attends leadership conferences and meets monthly with fellow DAC councils. 1Be on the lookout for next year’s event, which is sure to be another success.

  • fall ball
    Oct 30, 2024 · Haley Fengya

    Let’s glow crazy at Fall Ball 2024

    Fall Ball will be in the LPHS Cafeteria on November 9th from 7-10 p.m.

    Before purchasing a ticket, each student who plans to attend Fall Ball must go to the front office with their student ID and get a permission slip from Miss Hartson. Once it is signed by the student and guardian, there will be a grade check to make sure students are eligible to attend. If they are in good academic standing (passing 75% of classes, no repetitive absences, and no suspensions), then students will receive a ticket.

    Tickets for this dance will be sold starting October 21 up until November 1 for $20. Only 600 tickets are available.

    This will be a semi-formal dance, so the dress code does not allow jeans, sweatpants, pajamas, or yoga pants. The theme of Fall Ball will be “Let’s GLOW Crazy.” If students have any questions or concerns about the dress code, they are encouraged to reach out to an LPHS administrator.

    The Fall Ball is only for LPHS students. In order to get into the dance, Slicers must show an ID to confirm they are a student at LPHS. If any student needs to purchase a new ID, see Mrs. Staggers in Student Services. New IDs cost $3.

    For any further questions, see Mrs. Lowry in room 4.16 or contact her at alowry@lpcsc.k12.in.us or Mrs. Brown in room 5.11 or at lbrown@lpcsc.k12.in.us.

  • photo
    Oct 14, 2024 · Haley Fengya

    Need to know senior photo information

    Seniors will need to choose their desired pose or order pictures before October 23 on the HR Imaging website.

    Senior pictures are much different than normal school photos because the senior is given the choice to pick which pose they would like to be shown in the yearbook. Senior photos were held on October 3rd and 4th.

    The proofs for the photos will be passed out by October 17 predominately in English class. This paper has the information regarding what site to access in order to purchase the photos and the prices for each package.

    If any students are unsatisfied or missed their pictures, there will be retakes on November 15. Students will receive passes with their scheduled time in advance.

    For more information regarding senior photos, see Miss Parker in J.12 or email her at eparker@lpcsc.k12.in.us.