Little Learners Preschool
Welcome to Little Learners!
The Little Learners Preschool program is available for general education 3, 4, and 5-year olds residing in the Lincoln attendance area. This program also serves South LaPorte County Special Education Cooperative students that live within New Prairie, LaPorte, Tri-Township, South Central, or Westville districts who have been evaluated and determined to be eligible for preschool special education services.
Pre-K programming is five days a week and programming for 3 year olds is three days a week.
Times are: 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM and 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Attendance for special education students will be determined by the individual needs of the students.
There will be no charge for the program for students who reside inside the LPCSC district.
Special Education students who are eligible may also receive services from Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Autism Consultants, Behavior Consultants.
If you have any questions about your child's services or possibility of being eligible contact the Preschool Office (219)-324-3287. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Eligibility for Special Education Preschool
The following is the South LaPorte County Special Education Cooperative (SLPCSEC) procedures for an initial referral, evaluation, and identification for special education and related services for students age 3 through the school year the students turn 22. These procedures apply to students who:
- Have a legal settlement within one of the districts served by SLPCSEC
- Attend a nonpublic school within the geographic area served by SLPCSEC
- Are homeless or highly mobile, living in or previously lived in the SLPCSEC geographic area, or
- Are a ward of the state and living in the geographic area served by the SLPCSEC, and
- Are suspected of being a student with a disability