Contact Info

1000 Harrison St, La Porte, IN 46350

Phone: (219) 324-3287 Fax: (219) 326-7611

Director of Special Education:

Rob Richards


If you received special education services or were tested for services but did not qualify from the South La Porte County Special Education Cooperative (La Porte, New Prairie, South Central, Westville, Tri Twp Schools) and you graduated or were exited from services between 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2019,  your records will be destroyed on or about July 1, 2025.  If you wish to obtain your records, you must submit your written request to South La Porte County Special Education Cooperative, 1000 Harrison Street, La Porte, IN 46350, attention Julie Klinedinst or by email to

The records will be released only to the former student, now of legal age, upon presentation of a photo ID or parent/guardian with legal documentation of guardianship.  You must make your request for records by June 15, 2025, which provides the required notice to our office.

About Us

We are a cooperative that provides services to students in La Porte Community Schools, New Prairie United School Corporation, Westville Schools, South Central Schools, Tri-Township Schools.

Our amazing personnel work to meet the unique educational needs of student who require special education and assist local schools in the delivery of special education services.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide services that empower students to become active members of society based on their individual strengths and abilities. We are committed to providing a caring community of dedicated staff and involved parents that meets the diverse academic, emotional, and social needs of all of our students in a respectful and positive environment.

We provide positive learning experiences that facilitate success for students in special education. We provide high-quality instruction, as well as collaboration with parents, students, schools, and the community. We assist students to focus on their positive attributes and recognize their individual strengths and achievements to promote their future success.


South LaPorte County Special Education Cooperative will provide an educational climate where diversity and individuality is celebrated and respected; and where all people accept and meet the challenge of enhancing learning of all students.

Community and Diversity

The South LaPorte County Special Education Cooperative values and respects differences, embracing and celebrating individuality, which enriches all members of the community.


Our cooperative makes a commitment to the education of all students within each district. We maintain exemplary educational programs and services designed to meet the needs of the wide range of students with disabilities within our community.

Learning and Equity

All students are educated in the Least Restrictive Environment. Diverse learning needs are accommodated using differentiated curriculums as the focus of instruction. The district develops models of service delivery to meet the needs of students achieving equity for children with disabilities. They participate to the fullest extent possible in their respective school communities.

Parent/Guardian Involvement

Parents are well informed and respected as full partners in the education of their children. Parents are aware of their school and district resources. Each parent has a voice in the collaborative partnership within a caring school community.