Slicer eLearning

Welcome to the Slicer eLearning web page. At this time, LPCSC has no remaining posted lesson days remaining for the 2024-2025 school year. If there are weather-related cancellations, we will add up to two make-up days to the end of the school year and then announce “Live” eLearning days, as explained below. 

  • Live eLearning days must consist of at least 50% face-to-face instruction in order to count as one of the required 180 school days. Face-to-face instruction is defined as “instruction delivered live electronically in real time by the student’s teacher.“ This form of instruction is also referred to as “Live Instruction” provided by a teacher to a student via Zoom. Additional video platforms, such as Loom or Google Meet may be used.

  • The number of eLearning days involving instruction that is not face-to-face has been limited to three days. This format is referred to as “Posted Lessons” and is similar to what we used in the past on eLearning and weather cancellation days. Assignments will be posted online for students to complete and teachers will be available during office hours if students need help.

Students who have difficulties with their assignment or issues that prevent them from completing their work should communicate with their teacher as soon as possible. If you are in need of technical assistance with logging in or Chromebook help, you may email Please note we are unable to assist with complications that may arise from your home internet provider.